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Renadyl™, a natural probiotic, is designed to help promote kidney health. The probiotics found within Renadyl are specially formulated to metabolize toxic nitrogenous waste within the colon. These toxins diffuse from the bloodstream into the colon as their concentrations increase, such as when the kidneys become damaged or impaired. When these waste products accumulate in high concentrations in the blood, they become highly toxic and can cause severe damage to many organ systems if they are not properly excreted. Renadyl™ turns the nitrogenous waste into nutrients that help the probiotics grow and multiply. As the probiotics continue to increase in size and number, they consume more nitrogenous waste and therefore effectively help maintain kidney health.

Kibow Renadyl 3-Pack x 60 capsule-Bottle (10% Off)

S$375.00 Regular Price
S$337.50Sale Price
  • To be stored refridgerated.   However it can be maintained at ambient temperature for up to 3 weeks without losing its effectiveness.

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